Wendy Richardson       

Üdvözöllek a Swimathon oldalán! A Swimathon egy négy hetes közösségi adománygyűjtő kampány és egyben egy olyan sokszereplős és jó hangulatú, közösségi esemény, amelyet egy uszodában rendeznek meg. A kampányban olyan emberek úsznak és kérik a támogatásodat – köztük én is – akik ebben a közös játékban most egy-egy izgalmas, civil ügy „nagykövetei”. Mi nem csak úszunk majd a nagy napon, egy vállalt távot és időt megcélozva, de gyűjtünk is ezeknek a programoknak a megvalósulásáért.

I am excited (and frankly a bit anxious, as I’m hoping I still float) to represent the Global Fund for Community Foundations (GFCF) at the upcoming swim-a-thon to support “On Common Ground”: the national support programme for community foundations in Hungary. The GFCF has watched their work with admiration: in 2010 there were no community foundations in Hungary, and today there are four. Beyond the numbers, these community foundations are doing brave work: fighting for real change and social justice in their communities (both for existing residents as well as refugee newcomers). They offer good news and hope in a moment when such stories are needed – in Hungary and beyond. Célösszeg: 150 000forint hossz: 20 hossz idő: 30 perc  

Ennyit szeretne gyűjteni:

150000 Ft

Jelenlegi felajánlások:

400000 Ft

Hátralévő napok száma:




  • Richardson Paul 11860 Ft
    Hate uneven numbers
  • Jordan Lisa 17500 Ft
    Dont drown!
  • Pittini Alice 10000 Ft
    Go Wendy Jane!!!!
  • Richardson Benjamin
    Don't drink the water.
  • Modabi Emerance 3500 Ft
    Yo go girl!! I'm in mind an spirit supporting you!!
  • Houston Sara 7040 Ft
    Good Luck Wendy. Dont go to any Texas BBQ Grills before. S
  • Pittam Stephen 15000 Ft
    Go Wendy!
  • Papastolopoulos Apostolos 3100 Ft
  • Bloemen Shantha 10000 Ft
    Good luck with the swim. Sure it will be lots of fun.
  • Simpson Carol 10000 Ft
    Good Luck Wendy, you can do it!! xx
  • Lentfer Jennifer 9500 Ft
    Brave woman, go Wendy go!
  • Bensaude de Castro Freire Sara 6500 Ft
  • Fanny Georges 6000 Ft
    Q: Where do penguin go swimming? A: .... ...... ........ ............ At the south pool!
  • Lorimer Grant 12000 Ft
    Wear water wings, wouldn't want you to sink! Good Luck!
  • Furlan Francesca
  • Leticia RC 12500 Ft
  • Black Orla 3000 Ft
    Good luck Wendy! Stay afloat! Orla
  • Despiegelaere Jan 15300 Ft
    Swim Forrest Swim!
  • RICHARDSON Paul 36500 Ft
  • Talbott Alex 6300 Ft
    Just keep swimming
  • Edwards Jon
  • RICHARDSON Valerie 36500 Ft
  • Sondhi Shivani 5000 Ft
    Swimming, swimming in my swimming pool...
  • Magrin Alice 7000 Ft
    Grandeee Wendy, all the stadium is with you!!!
  • Pires Aracy 6300 Ft
    Hope you celebrate in the cusi afterwards!
  • Knight Barry 10000 Ft
    I think you got a lot of practice for this type of thing when you were in South Africa
  • Lyons Hope 12000 Ft
    Go, Wendy, go!! xo
  • Sahai Chandrika 8000 Ft
    Go Wendy! Enjoy the swim. Lots of love!
  • Harding Alexander 5000 Ft
    Go Phelps!
  • Spencer Clarissa 6000 Ft
    Je t'admire Wendy ! Bravo :)
  • Longhurst Rose 10000 Ft
    Good luck! You can feel so super smug at the end of all this!
  • Magalhães Inês 8000 Ft
    You go Wendy Jane!
  • Hodgson Jenny 35000 Ft
    This is above and beyond your job description (although maybe there was something in the small print). Swim well and enjoy!
  • Khan Ali 6000 Ft
  • Richardson Wendy 35000 Ft